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There are many Solo Milestones this month that help you earn Digital Snapshots. These Digital Snapshots can be redeemed in the Daily Bundle Store for Various things. There are Profile Pictures, Crystals, Hero Crystal Shards, Signature Stones, Catalysts, and so on… However, if you are not Thronebreaker, some of the stuff will not be available for you to get.

Solo Event Milestone

  • Defeat a #Sinister Six Champion in Duels or Arena (Defeat with a #Spider Verse Champion for Additional 500 points). – Always use Spider-Verse to Defeat, so quickly reach the milestones:

#Sinister Six Duel Targets (Don’t copy comma)

  • Easy: Rhin-a-saur, cbntdf, 1180
  • Hard: Wolloe, Fatty Dublunt, Col 198

Special Solo Objectives

Spider-Man in Quest for 1 Energy only

Go to ROL (Road of Labyrinth) Chapter 1.1.3


1. Defeat #Spider Verse Heroes (using different class/attack etc.. Condition applied, read the description in solo objective)

#Spider Verse Heroes Duel Targets

  • Easy: pol 123, ugf, 7751, bvfbhdyy
  • Hard: shorty4787, Xeno32955, playful81

2. Objective: Defeat Punisher 2099 20 times using Vision, Vision Age of Ultron, or Vision Arkus

Duel Targets:

  • Easy: cbnt, 7343443
  • Hard: Smackersmcspike, Javigsanvil~1

3. Objective: Defeat Guillotine 2099 20 times using Vision, Vision Age of Ultron, or Vision Arkus

Duel Targets:

  • Easy: 9611, 13000_u
  • Hard: ArthurCCC, martiantomato

(You can also try these if those 2 don’t work later: Javigsanvil~1 or

Guillotine 2099 in Quest for 6 Energy

EQ Guilly 2099