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Here is how to get Get Bodacious Booty (Butt) of 6-Star Platinum Pool

  • You must be Cavalier to get 6-Star Platinum Pool
  • Claim the “Platinum Puzzle” (A heart shaped item Kabam sent this via in-game message)
  • Now go to inventory option and select items
  • Tap on Platinum Puzzle you just claimed and tap the Use option
  • Now it will start asking you codes one by one and you need to select these in correct sequence: 0, 4, 2, 9, 2, 0, 2, 0
  • That’s it, and you will get the Platinum Pool’s Booty
Plat Booty
Image: MCOC Trucos

So if you ever wondered what is the 6th or additional piece that 6-star Platinum Pool requires compared to 5-star, the answer is “Butt”.

What if you selected the Wrong Codes while solving Platinum Puzzle?

No worries, Just Restart the Game and you can start over.